The Ocean Echoes
Mia Amadio, Age 9
Holy Cross, Helensburgh
COVID-19: Nowhere to Go
Our Place in Space
Cooper Clare, Age 11
St Clare's, Narellan Vale
Artist’s Note:
In my artwork I have painted four connections to the main theme of the physical universe beyond the earth's atmosphere . These four connections are: careers, improving technology, transportation and knowledge. I have represented these in different ways:
I represented the connection of careers by painting a scientist looking through a telescope.
I showcased improving technology by painting an engineer fixing and improving the Mars Rover.
I characterised transportation by painting a spaceship traveling to Mars.
I illustrated knowledge by including a UFO hovering above the Earth, representing how we still have a lot to know about this universe.
My goal for this painting was to capture how we connect to the universe and to explore our place in space.
Viruses &
How They Impact Us
The Attempts to Bring It Down
William Walsh, Age 11
St Clare's Narellan Vale
William Walsh, Age 11
The Attempts to Bring it Down